Tag: Travel

Women who run with the camels

That is what co-owner Miranda Innes calls women who show up in at her Moroccan B&B alone. Yet I would not recommend it for the feminine faint of heart.  A woman alone in a souk with her own pocketbook in tow…

About packing

Check out www.onebag.com .  This website has a good packing list, as does Rick Steves’ website, www.RickSteves.com .  For more than a month, you may not be able to get everything in one bag, but it is a helpful place…

Dealing with people’s reactions

When you share your plans:  “I’m going to Italy for two (or three) months!” be prepared to handle the reactions.  You’ll find three main reactions.   1.The detractors, who will try to tarnish or take your dream.  (For example: “It…

Snowfall in la Pieve

Citta della Pieve, Umbria. We had three inches of snow in la Pieve Friday night into Saturday morning.  The streets are very icy right now, and the temperature quite low.  The BBC online has the headline “FREEZING WEATHER BRINGS MISERY…