Tag: expat

Dealing with people’s reactions

When you share your plans:  “I’m going to Italy for two (or three) months!” be prepared to handle the reactions.  You’ll find three main reactions.   1.The detractors, who will try to tarnish or take your dream.  (For example: “It…

Language skills

Once you have determined if you will be in the city or rural, and how close to usual tourism, you will know how much language training you will need.   I highly recommend finding an immersion day for travelers before…

Choosing your housing

Be clear about your purpose in going to Italy.  Write out a mission statement, because as you drill down into details — this will come in handy often through the process.  You’ll find yourself checking back on your intention, as…

Some “getting ready” advice

If you can pack up your house (or sublet it, or swap houses with an Italian family), the finances of the dream become suddenly much more within reach.  Since mortgage, or rent, is not due in the US, then you…