EPC — Beginnings

Here is my first podcast–appropriately about creative beginnings.  I named the podcast Eat Play Cook (EPC) for lots of reasons.  We need to take in good material (consume, eat), play around with it, and then cook it to create.  EPC was also my first website, when I was teaching and traveling in Italy for the better part of three years, recently.   In fact, here’s a photo from a cafe on Christmas morning, as the owner got ready for the onslaught of church goers to show up–his way of Beginning. 

 I’m very excited about being able to both write and now speak directly to you.  Years ago, when I was very little, my dad would broadcast a weekly sports radio show from his bedroom on Sunday nights.  I remember because I had to be extremely quiet.  Recording this for you now felt a lot like back then, but without the condensers and heavy metal box with woven casings around the cables to protect the signals.  Technology sure had sleeked down.

Please let me know what you’d like to hear about– just post a reply.  I welcome your comments.   Let’s start a conversation!    Enjoy!   / jill

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