Category: Experience


Kedges inspire and help you fall in love with your own big bad audacious self.  Often Kedges help you live into a dream you have for your life, and just haven’t allowed yourself to live it or even imagine it. A…

Women who run with the camels

That is what co-owner Miranda Innes calls women who show up in at her Moroccan B&B alone. Yet I would not recommend it for the feminine faint of heart.  A woman alone in a souk with her own pocketbook in tow…

Setting direction

First time I drove a car, my father told me to get in to our aging Cadillac and drive it down the main street of Perkasie, our small town  In retrospect, I am impressed with his confidence in me, that…

Software upgrades

When we grow emotionally, it affects people around us.  As we change the stance we take in the world, and the stance we take for ourselves, how people perceive and interact with us must also change.  But this doesn’t always…

EPC — Voice as Defense

Voice is our protector.   Here is an excerpt from my book Women Voice and Writing, to help you think about this…

In a self-defense class, our instructor Peg taught that the voice is always the first line of defense. “Speak up. If you are being attacked, yell. It helps retard shock and shallow breathing. If you yell, your lungs fill up and you are more grounded  and present than if you move into a flight response.”  Peg instructs  our class of 18 women to stomp our feet and yell “No!” then scream “911” all together.

We do this, loudly. A good deal of sound comes out. Then we laugh, a bit uncomfortable from our uncharacteristic shout. But one young woman is in tears. Peg, our instructor, asks her, “What’s going on?” The twenty-something  woman says, “I’ve never yelled ‘NO!’ before, and it scared me. And it felt so good.”

Surprising God

Marrakesh, Morocco, in  Riad Omar. Sitting inside a beautiful traditional red and green tent, having dinner on top of a riad in Marrakech, I am discussing the Call to Prayer with Jamal.  Jamal is a shopkeeper who has offered to…

Phone home (cheaply)!

I often get asked about inexpensive ways to call the US from abroad, and  there are some easy steps to take to phone home–and save some money. Does your phone have the right frequency? If you are not sure what…

About packing

Check out .  This website has a good packing list, as does Rick Steves’ website, .  For more than a month, you may not be able to get everything in one bag, but it is a helpful place…

Dealing with people’s reactions

When you share your plans:  “I’m going to Italy for two (or three) months!” be prepared to handle the reactions.  You’ll find three main reactions.   1.The detractors, who will try to tarnish or take your dream.  (For example: “It…